Japanese style Room
部屋数 Number of rooms |
2部屋(禁煙) 2 rooms(non smoking) |
部屋名 Rooms name |
さくら、さざんか Sakura, Sazanka |
広さ Floor area |
和室 8畳 Japanese style |
定員 People |
4名様 4 people |
設備 Facility |
洗面、洗浄機能付きトイレ |
Would you like to spend your time relaxing in our Japanese-style Room?
These Japanese rooms feel very spacious with a unified floor level.

Modern Japanese Room (Hanatsubaki)
部屋数 Number of rooms |
1部屋(禁煙) 1 rooms(non smoking) |
部屋名 Rooms name |
花椿 Hanatsubaki |
広さ Floor area |
和室 8畳+8畳の二間続き Japanese style |
定員 People |
4名様 4 people |
設備 Facility |
洗面、洗浄機能付きトイレ Private Bathroom with washstand and Washlet |
ゆったり二間続きは1部屋は居間に1部屋は寝室にと、 使い方はお客様次第です。
液晶TVにDVDサラウンド、マッサージチェアーもございます。 注・DVDソフトの貸し出しはしておりませんので、ぜひお持ち下さいね!
This one spacious room can be separated into two rooms. You can separate them as a dining room and a bedroom, or you may use it as however you like.
There are also a LCD TV, a DVD player, and a massage chair in this unit (we do not provide DVDs so please bring your own).
“Hanatsubaki” room is limited to one group per day so please reserve it earlier!

Japanese style room
部屋数 Number of rooms |
2部屋(禁煙) 2 rooms(non smoking) |
部屋名 Rooms name |
大山、砂丘 Daisen, Sakyu |
広さ Floor area |
和室 14畳+バストイレ付 Japanese style |
定員 People |
6名様 6 people |
設備 Facility |
洗面、洗浄機能付きトイレ Private Bathroom with washstand and Washlet |
中庭を望むタイプの客室です。 バス・トイレ付のお部屋でお部屋のお風呂も”温泉”です まさに「和風旅館」なしっかりしたお部屋で、お勧めですよ。
These spacious rooms feature views into our beautiful courtyard.
This type might be the “classic Japanese-style Room” you have been looking for with a private washroom and a private hot springing bath in your unit!

Japanese style room
部屋数 Number of rooms |
3部屋(禁煙) 3 rooms(non smoking) |
部屋名 Rooms name |
石楠花、梨花、山吹 Shakunage, Rinka, Yamabuki |
広さ Floor area |
和室 8畳+バストイレ付+広縁 Japanese style |
定員 People |
4名様 4 people |
設備 Facility |
洗面、洗浄機能付きトイレ Private Bathroom with washstand and Washlet |
Please relax and enjoy your leisure time in a quiet room without worrying about the adjoining rooms.

Old style room
部屋数 Number of rooms |
5部屋(禁煙) 5 rooms(non smoking) |
部屋名 Rooms name |
あやめ、さつき、はぎ、ゆり、きく Ayame, Satsuki, Hagi, Yuri, Kiku |
広さ Floor area |
和室 8畳 Japanese style |
定員 People |
4名様 4 people |
設備 Facility |
トイレ付き Private Bathroom |
These are rooms of an older building with a classic Japanese structure and you can stay at a reasonable price.
These rooms feature a spacious veranda, a private washroom and a washstand.
共通客室設備 Main Amenities |
地上デジタル放送テレビ、電話、ポット、お茶セット、冷蔵庫、金庫、冷暖房 TV connected to terrestrial digital broadcasting, phone, kettle, tea set, refrigerator, safe, air conditioning
客室冷蔵庫は空になっています。ご自由に御利用ください。 Guest room refrigerator is empty. Please use it freely.
貴重品は、客室内の金庫をご利用ください。鍵はお客様の管理となります。 For valuable items please use the in-room safe. The key will be managed by the customer. |
アメニティ Bath Amenities |
Body soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush and toothpaste, shaver, face towel, bath towel, Yukata, tabi (Japanese socks) |