
Accommodation Clause
政府登録 国際観光旅館連盟の宿泊規約に従い、当館ではお客様に満足いく宿泊をご提供するために宿泊約款を設けています。
掲載内容確認日 2008年1月
Government Registration In accordance with the accommodation rules of the international Tourism Ryokan Association, we have provided accommodation clause
in order to ensure satisfaction for our guests. Please read these terms and conditions carefully.
Last Modified on January 2008
Accommodation Clause

Cancellation Policy
The percentage below is the ratio of the penalty to the basic accommodation fee.
If you were to shorten your stay period, you will be charged for accommodation fee of the first day regardless of how many days you are shortening.
For a group of customers (over 15 people), if cancellations are received within 10 days or less to the reservation day, penalties will apply. However, if the number of cancellations is less than 10% of the group (at 10 days prior to the reservation date), there will be no penalty (round up to a nearest whole number).
予約人数 People |
不泊 No-show |
当日 On the date of arrival |
前日 1 day prior to arrival |
2日前 2 day prior to arrival |
3日前 3 day prior to arrival |
5日前 5 day prior to arrival |
6日前 6 day prior to arrival |
7日前 7 day prior to arrival |
8日前 8 day prior to arrival |
14名様まで Up to 14 people |
100% | 100% | 50% | 30% | 30% | 10% | 10% | 10% | - |
15~30名様まで From 15 up to 30 people |
100% | 100% | 50% | 30% | 30% | 30% | 20% | 20% | - |
31名様以上 More than 31 people |
100% | 100% | 80% | 50% | 30% | 30% | 30% | 30% | 15% |
If you would like to change your member information, inquire or cancel your reservation, please click here.