
Privacy Policy
株式会社 有楽
代表取締役社長 高田 圭子
We handle customer information accurately and appropriately. We strive to protect personal information as stated below.
1. We establish the regulation concerning the handling of personal information, acquisition, utilization and presentation, and implement preventive measure of information leakage, loss and falsification. All the employees are required to comply with these regulations.
2. We collect information from you by legitimate and fair methods, and any of the information we collect from you may be used and presented in accordance with the established policy.
3. We will comply with Japanese laws, regulations and other norms concerning protection of personal information.
4. We will evaluate and review the privacy policy and other regulations concerning protection of personal information regularly and continuously, and will make efforts to improve it.
Yuraku Corporation
Representative Director and President Keiko Takata